ApeSwap Finances flagship NFT project — All about Non Fungible Apes

April to November 2021

6 min readNov 7, 2021

On 1st of April 2021 ApeSwap one of the leading decentralized exchanges on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon published its first NFT series - the Non Fungible Apes (NFA). NFAs are far more than just beautiful NFTs and owners benefited from a huge range of utility, airdrops and giveaways in the past months. Below you will find some useful information about what happened with NFAs from its start up to the mid of November 2021.

What’s my Ape again? — Non Fungible Apes April to November 2021

Market Movement & Sales History

Since the start in April this year, prices for Non Fungible Apes skyrocketed compared to their initial drops, where you could shoot an NFA for less than 1BNB on NFTKEY and Treasureland.market. Although aftermarket sales were instantly higher than the initial costs from ApeSwap NFA drops, prices stayed relatively low until end of May compared to its current values.

Latest prices being paid for NFAs range from an average 5 BNB for a common Tier 1 (2.9k USD) up to 172 BNB (100k USD) for a rare Tier 5 NFA based on the last 5 sales, respectively. The highest price ever been paid for an NFA was observed on 1st of October, where the most rare NFA, Colossal Ape, was offered and sold for 327BNB — almost 190k USD at time of writing — in ApeSwaps auction house.

Sales history for NFAs — all sales (🔸) and auctions (A)


Airdrops are a popular way to receive “free money” from projects which want to distribute their tokens to a wider community. However, finding and getting eligible for airdrops can be challenging and time-consuming. As an NFA holder you receive airdrops automatically on a regular basis. This can be tokens from existing partners or newly offered tokens which were sold in Initial Ape Offering (IAO) via ApeSwap Launchpad.

A total of 157,5k USD has been distributed via 12 airdrops to NFA holders so far. Depending on its rarity, a total of 122 USD (for a T1) up to 582 USD (for a T5) was handed out to an NFA over the last months, respectively. At their respective peak times the price of all distributed coins sum up to 1833 USD (for a T1) to 9654 USD (for a T5) at times. Meaning, if you managed to sell the respective (local) top of an airdropped coin, you could have made a lot of extra money(*). However, hodling your airdropped coins wasn‘t bad as well. The airdropped value of all coins still doubled up in total until now, representing a really nice extra income within the very first months of NFAs.

(*) not all coins could have been sold instantly. Coinary Token (CYT) — which exploded right after its initial offering — as well as NFTY Labs Token (NFTY) and Galcatic Arena Token (GAN) were or are distributed via a 3-monthly vesting schedule.

Airdrop history for NFA holders April to mid of November 2021

Giveaways & Lottery

For those who like lucky draws and giveaways: NFA holders had the chance to win 100 $BANANA — the native ApeSwap token — for several weeks in June and July or NFTs from partner projects (i.e. Neural Pepe) this summer. Moreover, owning an NFA made you eligible to receive an exclusive Obie Dobo Momo in Mobox or receive $SISTA token through the SrnArtGallery Hodling program.


Utility is a huge topic when talking about NFTs. Whereas many other projects don't give you any more use than just owning a nice JPEG, NFA holders benefit from exclusive staking pools on partner projects (i.e. Blockmine —staking pool ended) or via redistribution of profits from ApeSwaps own NFA auction house. From August to the beginning of October, the last 46 non-dropped NFAs were auctioned on the ApeSwap website. In the next months 50% of generated profits, approximately 750 BNB, will now be redistributed to NFA holders via exclusive staking pools. Furthermore, the NFA auction house will stay active for the community to auction their own NFAs and 1% of generated profits from those sales will be redistributed to the NFA community through exclusive staking pools as well. You can read more about the NFA auction house and NFA utility here and here.

In the upcoming days Non Fungible Banana (NFB) — the second NFT project from ApeSwap Finance — will be launched and each NFA holder will get 1 free NFB. Read more about NFBs here.

Final thoughts

Non Fungible Apes come with a wide range of benefits for its holders. Prices skyrocketed in the last months but dropped significantly during the past weeks. Currently NFAs seem very cheap compared keeping in mind that NFA holders received tokens from partner projects as airdrops valued between 600 and 3300 USD and many more will follow. That said it will be interesting to see where NFAs are heading in the upcoming weeks with further respect to utilities and price. The possibility to stake your NFA for revenues from the auction house and receive more and more airdrops in the upcoming weeks gives you great opportunities for passive income and indirect but stressless participation in Initial Ape Offerings on ApeSwaps own project launchpad.

What are Non Fungible Apes?

Non Fungible Apes are a set of 1000 uniquely generated NFTs minted on the Binance Smart Chain. Each NFA is a combination of 6 different attributes (Base, Face, Frame, Mouth, Eyes, and Top) hashed with a unique string like for e.g. “Strong Ape”. Based on its frequency of appearance over the whole set of all 1000 NFAs, characteristics give a NFA its rarity which were classified in 5 categories:

  • Common Chimps: Tier 1 (500 NFAs) — most common
  • Original Orangutans: Tier 2 (250 NFAs)
  • Alluring Apes: Tier 3 (150 NFAs)
  • Prime Primates: Tier 4 (70 NFAs)
  • Magic Monkeys: Tier 5 (30 NFAs) — most rare

You can read more details about NFAs on ApeSwaps Medium post.

About NoSealsMoneyBack

We are NFT- and Data Artwork enthusiast, intended to combine and publish Data Science and Digital Art from various projects related to blockchain technology.

In addition, we are huge fans of Non Fungible Apes by ApeSwap Finance especially of their benefits in form of utility, airdrops and giveaways. As we have not found any aggregated form of the crazy amount of advantages of being an NFA holder, our intention was to spread more information about the potential and benefits of this awesome project.

We aim to have updated versions of the poster or other useful information about this project in the future, so stay tuned and watch out for new posts on our social channel (Twitter and Reddit).


This article is for informational purpose only and should not be seen as financial advice. We personally own Non Fungible Apes from ApeSwap finance.


Interesting Data Stuff

Date of snapshot for NFA sale s used in our data. analysis was set to the 20th of November 2021 12 am UTC. We decided to calculate the mean values for each tier for the last five sales in each tier, since it represents best the current value of an NFA in our opinion. Regression lines for tier sales were calculated using locally estimated scatterplot smoothing (LOESS).

Prices for airdropped tokens were set to the 19th November 2021 when the poster was finalized. Due to persistent volatility in the crypto market some values, especially current airdrop values, might have changed significantly when reading this article.




Written by NoSealsMoneyBack

We aim to combine #DataScience and #DigitalArt into #DataArtwork

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